Well was it easy ...............Ummmmmmm Yes EXCEPT that DARN RUFFLE. It gave me a complete headache LOL, I wanted it to look exactly like the photo and boy it gave me a time. I googled it and found some pics of it worn by Kim Kardashian and Ashley Green.
The dress itself was very easy, I used Vogue 8787 skirt bottom and I drafted my top and the peplum. Of course I had to draft that RUFFLE that darn RUFFLE. It was fun and challenging.......REALLY CHALLENGING.....Almost entered without the ruffle LOL. But I kept on fighting and finally I gave in when I thought it looked good enough.......I'm still not satisfied with it but my sister insisted that it looked fine.
And because I waited until the very LAST minute to submit my work ....Low and BEHOLD my camera started acting FUNNY.....so I'm not very pleased with my photos either but oh well did not want all that hard work to go down the drain.
Hope you love it and VOTE for me!!!!!!! xoxoxo